Monday, 21 November 2011

Our Church Weekend Away!

I just got back last night from our church weekend away. We went to the Windmill Christian Centre in Arbroath and there were 39 people and one sheep (me) there from our church. It was great fun! We had a special verse that we thought about all weekend - Isaiah 55: 12 - "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." We really enjoyed doing some crafts and artwork on that theme too! One of my favourite things was on Saturday night when we lit some chinese lanterns and watched them float up into the night sky - they were so bright and beautiful. We went on some lovely walks together too and played lots of very funny games! Some of the grown ups in our church are much sillier than I thought they were... I took my mobile phone with me and got some good photos to put here on my blog: Playing with some of my friends.
We had some great times of worship - thank you Myke and Abby!
One of the best bits was the lovely food we had to eat - thank you Hannah!
I heard a few people say we should do it again, and I hope we do because I loved the weekend away!