Thursday 7 August 2008

I'm on an Indian Reservation!

Hello Everyone!

Just wanted to tell you about the fun time I'm having this week! It's Holiday Club week at our church and we are all Indian Braves on Running River Reservation. We've had some great stories from the Bible about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son, and we're learning how precious we are to God. Our memory verse is Psalm 139: 17 - "God your thoughts are precious to me. They are so many! If I could count them they would be more than all the grains of sand." I've almost learned to say it, but I'm not the best at it, some of the children who are here have brilliant memories!

We've had some great games and I've been learning new songs. My favourite is Fandabidozzie! We have a visit every day from two puppets called Pete and Ailsa who talk about what they've learned on Running River Reservation and then sing a song.

It's very busy at Link Church at the moment because, as well as Holiday Club, we have some friends over from America who are doing all sorts of things in our church. Six of them are helping the Holiday Club team and they've been great fun! There are also people doing painting upstairs in the church, and some have been going to do drama in the High Street and tell people about Jesus! It's been so busy my head is buzzing, but it's exciting too and I've made loads of new friends. It's really nice that these new friends came to visit me and everyone here because it means I get a rest from going on aeroplanes!

Here are a couple of photos:

This is the team on "Tribal Hair Day". There were some very strange hairstyles...

This is me with the team children and Big Chief Misses With Arrows.